Eddie Sotto describes his life in the Foggy city in Luxury London.
Skyacht One and Eddie are featured in this profile on BBC.com
Paris Match raves about Skyacht One.
LuxExpose calls Skyacht One the Aeronautical masterpiece.
Rolls-Royce Regatta by Sotto, back in black with mahogany
Eddie Sotto describes his life in the Foggy city in Luxury London.
Skyacht One and Eddie are featured in this profile on BBC.com
Paris Match raves about Skyacht One.
LuxExpose calls Skyacht One the Aeronautical masterpiece.
This new 90 second video, premiering at the World SuperYacht Awards in Amsterdam, takes you inside the 20 passenger Embraer Skyacht One. You will believe a yacht can fly!
A virtual tour of Skyacht One. Created and Designed by SottoStudios/LA in collaboration with Embraer Executive Jets, Skyacht One breaks new ground in experiential luxury. www.skyachtone.com Edited by Brian Sottosanti